Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kim Kardashian’s Wedding Details Revealed -- as seen on ryan seacrest


Even though everyone is wondering about it, details about Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries‘ wedding are being kept a closely guarded secret. 

The usually boisterous family is remaining quite tightlipped about the nuptials, but there are a few details that have been uncovered. Here’s what we know: the Kardashian-Humphries wedding is going to take place in the Santa Barbara area, very close to where Oprah Winfrey lives in her huge estate. We also know that the wedding is due to occur in late August.

Other than that, though, Kim K. is staying mum about her exciting day. Things like the celebrity guest list and her wedding dress designer have yet to be revealed. Come on, Kim, we’re all so curious!

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