Saturday, July 2, 2011

Model Wares A Year Worth Of Make-up In One Day [VIDEO]

source: ryanseacrest

Women (and makeup-wearing men) have long been warned about the extended affects of wearing makeup, and now Dutch artist duo Lernert & Sander have created a shocking visual of what 365 days worth of makeup would look like if applied in one day.

According to Stylist, the team utilized seven bottles of foundation, two bottles of blush, three lip glosses, and two bottles of cream eye shadow over nine hours for the video project.
Before they shot the final product, they tested the concept with a 100-layer session on an intern (who ironically was a man) to ensure that the volume of makeup wouldn’t kill a person. For a more in-depth description of the shoot, hop on over to Nowess.
The video is leading to quite the discussion online for both women who wear makeup and the men who like or dislike the practice. Blogger Maressa Brown at The Stir raises interesting points in her recent blog saying, “In one day, it seems like nothing, but what are we really doing to our skin with all of that crap? And beyond the health aspect, is it really even necessary? Aren’t we more beautiful without the constant “veil” of creams, powders, and balms?

watch the video now to see how she transforms

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