Saturday, July 2, 2011

Squirrel Escapes Death, Outruns a Speeding Lamborghini

source: ryanseacrest

It’s the scenario that every driver fears — you’re racing down down the street, caramel macchiato in hand with the latest Pitbull club banger blaring on your stereo.

Then suddenly a squirrel/cat/dog/other land mammal races out in front of your car forcing you to slam on the brakes or swerve out of the way, in an attempt at pulling off the evasive driving maneuvers you learned from “Fast and the Furious.”

Your movie-watching skills pay off by sparing the life the furry critter, all the while sacrificing your nerves and more importantly, your four dollar caffeine rush.
This YouTube video tells a less dramatic story, as an unassuming squirrel scurries across a racetrack in Fontana, CA, nearly getting run over by a Lamborghini flying at over 100 mph. The yellow Italian sports car straddles the squirrel as it passes, but unfortunately catches his tail in the undercarriage taking most of it clean off.

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